Document 1809 DOCN M94A1809 TI The AIDS consultant nurse. DT 9412 AU van der Kruk T; Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The; Netherlands. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):446 (abstract no. PD0394). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370766 AB In 1985 the Dutch AIDS care programme was introduced. We started in the Academic Medical Centre, a large university hospital in Amsterdam (900 beds). The team consisted of a physician and two nurses who were trained to work as AIDS Consultants. This has proven to be a successful construction to cope with many new developments. The tasks of the AIDS Consultant Nurses within the programme included direct patient care in the out patients clinic, the organization of home-health care and the education of health care workers, especially nurses. In 1990 the Dutch Ministry of Health funded 11 hospitals for specific care of HIV infected patients, in order to spread these facilities over the country and to integrate AIDS care in the regular health care institutions. The Academic Medical Centre was appointed as national reference hospital for AIDS care. The 'centre' hospitals with an AIDS function employ physicians and consultant nurses who are experts on the field of AIDS. Both diciplines are available for consultation by other hospitals and general practioners. In a national working group of AIDS Consultant Nurses we exchange our experiences and together we see to it that the essential knowledge is spread among nurses in the country. The establishing of AIDS Consultant Nurses, employed by centre hospitals with an AIDS function, might serve as an example for AIDS Care in other (in particular Asian) countries. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*NURSING *Consultants Human *Specialties, Nursing MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).